Memory Foam by Adam Soldofsky wins a 2017 American Book Award
Whoa. Memory Foam by Adam Soldofsky won a 2017 American Book Award. Holy hell. This award is cooler than the Pulitzer or the National Book Award. Check out their statement:
"The American Book Awards Program respects and honors excellence in American literature without restriction or bias with regard to race, sex, creed, cultural origin, size of press or ad budget, or even genre. There would be no requirements, restrictions, limitations, or second places. There would be no categories (i.e., no “best” novel or only one “best” of anything). The winners would not selected by any set quota for diversity (nor would “mainstream white anglo male” authors be excluded), because diversity happens naturally. Finally, there would be no losers, only winners. The only criteria would be outstanding contribution to American literature in the opinion of the judges."